In the midst of a global pandemic, that is spreading around the world at the speed of light, people are looking on the bright side of life–literally.
As COVID-19 continues it’s way around the globe and the need for social distancing is the new normal, Twitter users started calling for people to put their Christmas lights back up.
With school and many businesses closing, restaurants shutting down, and major events being canceled, many people are feeling the unpleasant effects of the Coronavirus.

And for a lot of parents with kids home from school for at least 2 weeks or more, the need of hope that this will be ended soon is really important, which is why a call to get the Christmas lights back out is taking the internet by storm.
Being stuck at home is the perfect time to make it look pretty and cheerful, right?

Like Twitter user @lanegrindle suggests, driving around to look at Christmas lights is a safe activity to enjoy while being safe unless social activities are involved.

Plus, it’s an interesting distraction for kids who are home from school.

More and more people are starting to put their Christmas light back up.

For others though, hanging Christmas lights represents so much more.
As Twitter user @quickbear shares, the lights serve as a sign of hope in a particularly dark time.

An effort that reminds us that there is still life and light while we #StayTheFHome. What’s better than some bright dancing Christmas lights now in the neighborhood.
There is also a popular hashtag #CoronaKindness, a reminder for all of us to show a little extra love in these trying times.

If you ever wondered if it’s too early to start decorating for Christmas in March, well, you can read this article.
So if you’re stuck at home with nothing to do, why not try it: Hang up your Christmas lights again (or just switch them on if you haven’t put them away, like me) and hopefully, you’ll inspire your neighbors to do the same.
We need some small efforts like this one to keep our society sane and spread the hope that will outlive this outbreak and learn from it. It will make us stronger and respectful of each other.
What we take for granted will be re-evaluated and appreciated much more!