Having your own above ground pool with deck in your backyard may look like a dream come true, but it looks like you could DIY one and it won’t cost a fortune.

Below is a project created by José Adimilson Franco and even though he is a professional, following his steps is fun and easy.
Related: How To Make A Hot Tub Surround With Deck
The first step is obviously getting above ground pool like these shown here.

There are some really affordable pools starting from $100-$150. The most important things to look for:
- Frame material and if it is sturdy enough
- Drainage options
- Maintenance cost
- Size

After selecting your pool you are ready to start building the deck.
The deck is made of wood and you should create a structure that will support both the pool from each side and also should be strong enough to withstand several people lying or sitting around the pool.
Ultimately you should have a lot of boards placed vertically to make the whole construction firmly connected to the ground.
Then you nail together the horizontal boards to the verticals.

With smaller horizontal boards you should create a frame around the pool that is a as close to the original pool shape.
This will prevent any movement of the pool within the deck.
When you finish your supporting structure and so called wood skeleton , you can start covering the deck with more boards.

Put the boards side by side and use metal connector nails to cover all the structure.
You need to make sure that all boards are aligned and properly fixed. You will need a miter saw to cut them at different angles when the above ground pool stands in the way.

While it looks like a lot of work, the end result is stunning. Optionally, you can add some stairs at one one for easier access.

To make the deck resistant to the weather you may need to cover all the boards with a protective waterproof wood stain.
Using a colored wood stain could make the deck even more appealing.
You can have your perfect above ground pool with deck in 2 days and I’m pretty sure your family and friends would be so happy to relax there.
We also have a great DIY swimming pool out of pallets here.
If you are planning to do this project or already created one please comment below.