Do you want to define your yard uniquely?
We are going to present to you a great recycle project – fences made out of old doors.
Old and useless wooden doors can be turned into quite nice-looking fences.

Ask your friends to contribute that idea by bringing to you all the doors they don’t need anymore.

Go to garage sales, cues and similar to get the needed doors almost for free.
The more different they are, the better the result would be. You would create a beautiful and unforgettable accent in your yard.

Also, that fence is multipurpose – it is decorative, it creates privacy, it isolates from interlopers.
Upcycling materials is a great way to spend your spare time. It is also great if you would like to create something which will cost you less and yet will be practical and useful enough.

We love the final results from repurposing of materials – a unique creation with an individual touch.
All you need to build the featured fence are some doors, wooden boards, posts, cement.

You can include doors of various sizes and appearance – church doors, school doors, cabinet doors, simple interior doors, etc.
You can install them in a cement foundation or support them with posts in the ground.

The hardest part is to attach the doors together; rest is the same as you install a regular privacy fence. Here are the project steps for building the old doors yard fence.
How To Build Yard Fence From Old Doors
Step 1
Lay the doors on a flat surface. Dismantle all hardware like hinges, handles, latch bracket, nails. Then smooth the areas that need flushing.

Step 2
Start arranging the doors the way you want. You can arrange them by height, by colors, randomly or in another way. Then create sections of four or five doors each.
Step 3
Get two boards. Put the first one 2 feet down from the door top, the other one place 2 feet up from the bottom. Cut the protruding ends so that the boards are flush with the door ends. Attach screws to the boards every few inches so that they are well secured to the doors.

Step 4
Mark the place of your first post in the yard. Dig a hole for the post with a digger. Make it approximately a third as deep as the height of the post. Place a thin layer of gravel on the bottom of the hole and set the post in place. To keep the post fixed, lay concrete at the sides of it.

Step 5
Make more holes for the rest of the posts – approximately every four to eight feet around the yard. You need to measure the length of each section you have made and use it to figure out the location of each fence post.

Once you have dug the holes for every post, continue with laying the gravel, inserting the post and laying concrete around its sides. Step 4 and 5 are extremely important for that project as the sturdiness of the fence depends on that of the posts. Install them properly and fix them well in the ground.
Step 6
Now it is time to put the door sections to the posts. Lean them along the fence posts. The doors must be flush with the ground.

Drill holes through the post-door assy. Torque screws through the holes. You need to drill a hole and fix a screw approximately at every foot along the posts.

Your fence is almost ready! If you feel that it needs any adjustments, make them – repaint part of the doors, intensify the color shades, attach plant holders or trellis for climbing roses or similar plants.
Get inspired and make your own fence out of old doors.