The main function of the garden fence has always been to protect the property. In time, it has become a means to ensure a private zone in the backyard and at the same time act as a decorative interest to the landscape.
If you are only looking for a way to ensure a bit of privacy for yourself and your resting area, there are privacy fence ideas that will keep the world out.

The collection we have gathered will give you inspiration about the various designs and styles of such a fence that will blend with the existing landscape and will add to the curb appeal of your exterior.
1. Traditional Wood Slats

Use cedar slats to create fence panels. Attach them next to each other using solid wooden posts, hardware and hinges if you need part of it to be openable.
via Mr. Build It
2. Bamboo Adds Flair To A Basic Fence

If you already have a fence but you are not happy with its finish, you can always look for a budget-friendly way to upgrade it.
The bamboo rolls are one of the cheapest options that are easy to install and create an exotic atmosphere that appeals to relaxation.
3. Modern Low Fence

This fence is a short one. Its aim is to divide two properties and visually defend from unwelcomed eyes. The base structure is made of thick posts and beams. The panels are filled with beams of different widths.
The alignment pattern is strict for every panel to eventually create a continuous fence.
This type of fence will embrace vines and flowers with large foliage and blooms.
4. DIY Wire Framed Fence

This is a DIY privacy fence project that is a simple but functional idea. The panels are outlined with wooden posts, not of a big size. They must be strong enough to be secured to the ground and stay rigidly upright.
And thinking of the budget side, the filling of the panels is wire. Although you can still see what’s going on through the fence, it succeeds in visually separating the zones and making the backyard more organized.
5. Stone Privacy Gabion Fence

The gabion fence is the design that could be seen in most contemporary houses. It is strong, extraordinary when it comes to texture and at the same time makes a wonderful connection with nature. It does not look like an ordinary stone fence, but rather more appealing and sophisticated.
The tutorial on how to make it yourself could be found below.
via Gabion Supply
6. Add Life To Your Wall With Flowers

This easy-to-assemble fence is colorful and fresh, what you may need to give your backyard a point of interest and the needed privacy amount for your resting area.
There are planters hung on the front side of it that accommodate blooming flowers and vines. You can do the same on the backside of it and create a living wall at an unexpected place.
via Family Handyman
7. Panels Allow Privacy And Space

Fence panels are aligned in a row leaving a gap between them to create an interesting pattern. They zone an area with a garden bed planted with ornamental grass. It surrounds a seating set put in the middle of this natural landscape that will ensure a good connection with nature.
via HGTV
8. Build Your Own Lumber Fence

Looking for an affordable privacy fence project? This one is a DIY-favourable idea that requires only lumber and some spare time to build a customized fence for the yard.
The advantage of this idea is that the raw material gives you an opportunity to give the wood the finish you like and will suit your area.
via Ian Ingram
9. Horizontal Cedar Plank Fence

The cedar wood panels are a great supply for a DIY wooden privacy fence. You can put them horizontally or vertically to fill the gap between the supports.
Wood is a preferrable material when it comes to private fences because it gives the yard a warm feeling.
via Smile and Wave
10. Tropical Bamboo Wall

A cinder block wall has been transformed into an exotic backyard fence. Cali bamboo has been treated and stained on one of its sides and then assembled into panels that cover the original fence.
The result is fantastic and totally worthy although it has taken some time to prepare.
via Cody Cakes
11. Privacy Bamboo Shade DIY

Bamboo screens are perfect to add to an existing outdoor sitting area. They are made of natural materials that add a zen look.
Although the sticks cannot be thickly aligned to create a continuous screen, they are just enough to stop the sun and curious eyes.
via Christina Maria
12. Modern Cedar Beauty With Lighting

This cedar fence is very elegant and modern. It is a DIY that requires quite a lot of cedar panels assembled in a thick pattern to cover wide sections.
via The DIY Tribe
13. Pallet Wood Wall

This type of privacy screen can be a pallet fence or a slat fence consisting of sections aligned next to each other to create a continuous zone divider.
Use the space to grow your favorite summer flowers in a curious vertical way.
via Taryn Whiteaker
14. Bamboo Framed Privacy Curtains

This boho type of fence is a backyard fence on a budget. You need bamboo sticks and shower curtains or plain curtains to stretch between the bamboo poles.
Secure the fabric with brackets, threads, etc.
via HGTV
15. DIY Classic Wood Fence

If your property needs a solid fence, not only a means to add privacy, this DIY wooden fence project will ensure both.
It is made of lumber beams, high enough to stop the sights and very rigid to protect from thieves.
via Extreme How To
16. Add Privacy To Open Lattice

Repurpose the reed rolls into an upgrading element of your existing fence. They add another layer that increases the privacy level and gives the fence a brand new look.
via Saws on Skates
17. Follow The Property Slope

Is your backyard on a sloped terrain? Building a fence for an odd ground is not impossible as long as you are aware of the tricks and hints.
via Empire Fence
18. Sturdy Metal Framed Wood Panels

This fence has been inspired by the harmony between the rustic and industrial styles. The wooden slats are thickly arranged to create a solid screen that is charmingly supported by iron frames.
via Perimtec
19. Bring The Garden Upward

Have you always admired the living walls created by landscape designers?
This can be done by anybody as long as there is a wish and good instructions.
via Hometalk
20. Low Maintenance Vinyl Fencing

If you are looking for a privacy fence that fits into your minimalist decor taste, this vinyl panel fence could satisfy your taste.
via Deuce Liter
21. Airy Privacy With Lattice

The lattice privacy fences are very charming and very practical. First, they are easy to be installed. Secondly, they can be used as a trellis for climbing plants and thus achieve a living wall effect on a budget.
22. Wooden Shadow Box Fence

This light-colored wood fence is a DIY idea that is made on the easy side. There are thick wooden panels forming the structure of the panels and wooden slats are put vertically over them to give it a visually attractive look.
via Lowe’s
23. Colorful Marble Inserts

Use the natural defects of the wood panels to turn them into unique fence pieces.
Glue faux marbles in the holes and enjoy the playful and colorful rays reflected by the gems.
via C.R.A.F.T.
24. Horizontal Heights

A family has not been happy with their plain wire fence and they have been looking for a budget-friendly project that will spruce up the property and will also ensure privacy.
They have built cedar wood panels that follow the curves of the backyard. As a result, every section looks like descending the previous one creating a unique curb appeal.
25. Outdoor Folding Privacy Screen

This is a privacy fence idea that is inspired by the indoor screen design.
Having a property to be movable and each section adjustable, this fence section is very modern, easy to do and very practical.
via Kreg Tool
26. Modern Industrial Screen

Wood and aluminum are combined to create a fantastic hideaway screen design. Each panel differs in height and that gives this privacy fence idea another reason to love it.
via Lowe’s
27. Mirror Your Slope With Horizontal Planks

Redwood planks are horizontally assembled to create panels that adapt to the sloping backyard of this home. There is a small gap between the planks that let the sun in but doesn’t show anything behind it.
via HGTV
28. Budget Friendly Bamboo Rolls

For this privacy fence idea you need to find bamboo fencing rolls that are attached to posts or existing fence that needs a fresh makeover.
29. Upcycle Doors Into A Folding Privacy Wall

Have you collected the wooden doors that you changed after moving into your new home? Use this junk to create a unique customized screen.
Use hinges to attach the door sections next to each other and give them a zig-zag pattern for more interest. Depending on your idea, the wood can be left weathered or be given a new paint coat to match the colors of the sitting set.
via Redoux Interiors
30. Hot Tub Hideaway Privacy Fence

If you want to divide the pool or the hot tub in your yard, use reclaimed wood, headboards, the old entryway paneling to assemble a fence. Add decorative elements to make it more attractive and unique.
A few hooks will give the fence also a practical use for hanging towels and clothes.
via Hometalk
31. Decorate Your Privacy Fence With Plants

This DIY backyard fence is customizable and an easy project. Two sections are assembled together to create a backdrop for a sitting set.
The horizontal wood panels are painted white to create a contrast for the hanging vertical garden.
via Rooney Clothing
32. DIY Folding Hot Tub Screen

Love the privacy screens made of sections that allow adjusting? If you don’t have such, you can make it with wooden posts, wire mesh or chicken wire and fabric to fill the empty framed part.
It is the perfect fence project to add privacy next to a pool or a hot tub.
via DIY Network
33. Embellished Privacy Fence

If you want to make your wooden privacy fence more than just a means to protect and zone your property, you can turn it into a canvas for your creativity. Use stencils, vinyl decals, etc. to decorate the neutral background.
via Hometalk
34. Classic White Pickets

This is a classic look of a white picket fence. It is simple to do and elegant addition to the yard. Although a usual execution, it is a choice you will never regret as it doesn’t go out of style.
via Black and Decker
35. Unfinished Bamboo Panels

This is a bamboo fencing idea made of reel rolls. They can be added to an existing wall or fill the empty space of framing pipe supports.
Happy with the raw look? Then leave them unstained. Otherwise, you can treat both sides or the internal part with dark color.
36. Put Old Shutters To Work Outside

The old shutters have numerous new applications. One of them is to assemble them in a tight pattern outdoors to separate your yard or to divide a zone from it.
37. Hinges And Tulips Make Over Vintage Shutters

These shutters are not matched according to their design or height. This has created a unique wooden fence design although made of junk.
38. Natural Rustic Horizontal

The raw wood color is very attractive and gives a smooth warm feeling to the outdoors. Staining it dark will make the fence a more visible part of the yard but that is an advantage as the stain will protect the wood for more time.
via Taryn Whiteaker
39. DIY Corrugated Tin Fence

Looking for an industrial farmhouse appeal for your yard?
This DIY fence idea is made of corrugated metal sheets. They are good for outer exposure and an affordable supply when it comes to a DIY privacy fence idea.
A corrugated metal fence is not a simple metal fence as it takes a special type of metal to build it.
40. Hanging Garden Privacy Plants

Even if you are living in the city, you can have your small garden paradise. Use the variety of DIY privacy fence ideas to zone it.
This one is perfect for small gardens as it serves not only as a privacy screen but also as a stand to grow flowers or fresh herbs. Each fence post has a bird carved on top of it.
via Deborah Silver
41. Keep It Natural With Wattle

Wattle fencing is a charming design of a DIY fence dating from old times when people have taken advantage of nature’s gifts to create utilities for their homes.
Nowadays, adding a privacy fence in this design will add an authentic and unique feel to your yard, especially if it is well-knitted.
42. Tall Wattle Screen

This wattle privacy screen will contribute to a zen atmosphere in the yard although of an authentic origin. The branches are woven across a dowel frame that figures out the size and shape of the screen.
Privacy fencing is a great idea when you need to create your own relaxation oasis in your backyard and gather with family and friends without disturbing your neighbors.